Friday, December 17, 2004

As suburbs expand, residents get unwanted taste of hunting
Maria Shapiro was startled last year when she spotted a stranger carrying a bow and arrow in her suburban neighborhood.

No, he wasn't on his way to the HOA meeting. He was hunting. This has happened near us. Some mothers were chatting at the bus stop while their kids waited for the bus. A dead goose fell at their feet. The hunter was outside the municipality and fired legally, but the goose didn't know about the city code and fell dead inside the city limits. The city tried to pass an ordinance making it illegal to do that--for the hunter, not the goose (who is past caring by this time). Probably not a valid law because of the effort to criminalize conduct (firing) outside the jurisdiction just because Mr. Goose and gravity and wind led to a hard landing inside the muni.

1 comment:

  1. Greenwich, Connecticut, is about to start a town-sponsored hunt in an attempt to solve it's deer problem.
