Monday, December 27, 2004

8 Glendale, AZ, HOAs given fix-up funds by city officials
Fred Pilot found this example of city governments giving $$ to HOAs.


  1. I'm astonished that the City of Glendale is more concerned with "better bricks and mortar" than with ensuring due process for homeowners charged by their HOA with CC&R violations.

    Earlier this year, Arizona HB2377 was defeated because of a concern that the Justice of the Peace Courts (lower court) would be swamped with complaints and did not have the funds to handle an anticipated surge in cases. The bill would have required any allegations to be first heard by the JP court before any fines or liens could be imposed.

    Some Arizona advocates noticed the quick about face by the chief lobbyists against reform, CAI, who joined in the opposition, when in the past they always have maintained that 95% of the people are happy in HOAs. And sadly, the legislators took no notice of this abrupt change when they failed to pass the bill.
