Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The News-Press: Bonita Springs - Judge hears Pelican suit against WCI
From southwest Florida comes this story of alleged developer misconduct:
The Pelican Sound Golf and River Club claims WCI failed to account for homeowner association money that should have been turned over when residents took ownership in January 2003.

WCI attorney Thomas Roehn argued in a hearing Monday that Judge Jay Rosman should throw out the majority of the 23 complaints.

The lawsuit's allegations include:

• The reserve fund collected by WCI and paid into by members for future repairs and maintenance was empty.

• WCI marketing and development expenses were subtracted from accounts funded by homeowners for the operation of the association.

• Payment due to the association from cable television service provider MediaOne was remitted to WCI but never turned over to the homeowners.

• WCI filed incorrect personal property tax returns, incurring taxes, penalties and filing fees the association was required to pay.
[and other allegations--or in Florida, maybe they call them "alligators"]

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