Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Moby Option...
It's not a Robert Ludlum novel. It's singer Moby's proposal for those who supported Kerry...secession. Breaking up the US into three separate "stans."

He doesn't use capital letters. It's kind of an e.e. cummings sort of thing, I guess. I mean, he's so sensitive that he wouldn't want to privilege the first letters of sentences just because they happened to be arbitrarily placed at the beginning.

Thus spake Moby:
can someone remind me why secession is not an option at this point? i mean let's be realistic, we live in a divided country. can't we have the breakaway republics of 'north-east-istan' and 'pacific-stan'? wouldn't the red states be happier without us? we could still travel freely and trade freely with them, but can't we just leave? then you could have 3 countries: northeastistan pacificstan redstateistan
You can read the rest of Moby's collected wisdom on politics and other topics of which he is equally ignorant at this link:

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