Saturday, November 13, 2004

Donation saves soldier's home from zealous homeowner's association

Just when you think the word has gone out to HOA presidents and their lawyers that you need to show some common sense in assessment collection, you read something like this, and you think--is it possible, in the final analysis, that they will literally never learn?

RIVERVIEW - A bay area soldier came home to a very unpleasant surprise recently: huge fines from his homeowner's association. But it didn't take long for an ordinary citizen to take action for Bernie Haithcock.

Haithcock, an Air Force reservist, is frequently gone on active duty for long periods of time, often to Robins Air Force Base in Georgia.

"I will try to make it home every three or four weeks," he explained.

One time, he didn't make it back for four or five months. He returned to his Riverview home to find his homeowner's association bill for $200 and another bill from the association's law firm.

"I think it was like $700," he continued.

Haithcock felt he deserved a break on the legal fees because he was away helping to protect the country. But the president of the Villages of Lake St. Charles Homeowner's Association felt active duty was not a legitimate reason to miss an association payment, and the association put a lien against the house.

"I think it was irresponsible of him," Kate Cockerill stated. "I mean, he wouldn't let his mortgage payment go for two months."

While the two sides sparred by phone, the late and legal fees built to $1,400. Then local contractor Robert Hoskinson of ICC Contractors heard about Bernie's plight.

"I was a little appalled that the attorney would run the bill up on the fella," Hoskinson observed.

Hoskinson decided to show his appreciation for the armed forces by paying Bernie's bill.

"I just felt like it was important that we pay this bill, my company, and help this man get back to work so that he can protect our national interest, which is really the most important thing right now," he explained.

In addition to Hoskinson's help, Bernie's attorney, Kenneth Grace, helped out by taking the case pro bono.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be fooled!!! I was fooled and manipulated as well by this man. He took me for over $4000. He turned my life inside out... without a blink of his eye. He has no heart. It is a shame he represents our country. This man makes it sound all innocent... but check out his history. He is chronically late with his bills. He is in foreclosure right now. He lies and manipulates to take advantage of other's kindness. It is nice that we have such giving and helpful people in the community who helped him... but check and see... Bernie NEVER even thanked the man who paid the bill for him. He uses people without even feeling bad about it. Beware of the sad stories you hear... investigate it before your pour your heart and help into them. They may be a liar and cheat... like this man. What a shame. He turned my life inside out and hurt me badly emotionally and financially. I am recovered from it now... and am doing better than ever. It is true that "You reap what you sow." He shall pay for his evil heart. He is a leech like you could only have nightmares about.
