Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Blue states buzz over secession - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - November 09, 2004
I have been writing about secession for years, but I used the term figuratively to describe the way CID owners could "secede" if they lived behind walls and gates, had privatized public services, and could deduct their assessments from their property tax bill. But now secession is being put forward by the losers of last weeks election as a semi-serious proposal.

The thing is, I have a vague memory from history classes of the Democrats doing the same thing in, let's see...wasn't it about 1861? So I guess they are building on a historical precedent here. I also recall that it didn't turn out that well for them. Not only did the Democrats lose the Civil War, but after the war ended the Democratic Party was relegated to minority party status at the national government level until the 1932 election. Oh, there were a few moments in the sunshine--Woodrow Wilson, for example--but basically 1861 to 1933 was dominated by the Republican Party. Is history repeating itself?

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