Friday, October 01, 2004

Veto message for AB 2598
He says the intent of the bill is "laudable" because it would "protect homeowners from being foreclosed upon for small sums of delinquent assessments," the bill is "overly broad and could negatively impact all homeowners living in CIDs." It could, he says, "result in increased assessments for other howeowners," a point I have made here a number of times to the distress of some owner-activists. He says there should be "more open discussion between homeowners and their associations" to resolve conflicts. He accepts the CAI position that foreclosure should be "the last course of action." He says that the foreclosure statute needs to be clarified but through incremental change, and I must confess that I don't know what he has in mind here. I hope somebody does, because apparently it's back to the drawing board. After the amount of time and energy spent on the two bills (Ducheny and Steinberg) and putting them together like this, you'd think things were pretty well thought through, but not to the satisfaction of The Governator.

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