Thursday, October 07, 2004 Kerry should call off the thugs
People are starting to comment on this series of attacks on Republican HQs and supporters:
We're beginning to see a pattern:

Bush-Cheney headquarters in Orlando attacked by a union mob
Anti-Bush protestor attacks GOP committee chairman in Gainesville
In Miami, more than 100 union protesters stormed the Bush-Cheney campaign office and pushed volunteers inside
In Tampa, about three dozen protesters crowded into the second-floor office of the local Bush-Cheney headquarters where three elderly volunteers, two interns and a campaign staffer were working at the time
Shots fired into a GOP headquarters in Knoxville
In Madison, a Nazi swastika was burned into a home's lawn near where Bush-Cheney signs were posted
Duluth teens vandalize Bush yard signs
50 demonstrators supporting Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry stormed a Republican campaign office in West Allis
If this sort of thing were happening to Democrats, both the Michael Moore-types and the mainstream media would be screaming about Republican stormtroopers directed by Reichsführer-SS John Ashcroft. Since it's happening to Republicans, however, it is mostly covered just by local media. In any event, it cerainly gives one pause about putting up a Bush yard sign or putting on a Bush bumpersticker.

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