Friday, October 15, 2004

Do these people ever learn?
From KOAA in Colorado:

A local woman is arguing with her neighbors about how she is allowed to show her patriotism. The Quail Ridge Homeowners Association in Pueblo West sent Judy Voytek a letter telling her that she is not allowed to have a flag pole in her front yard or drape American flags from the pillars of her front porch.
The neighborhood's covenants prohibit hanging blankets or laundry in the front yard, but says nothing about flags. The association voted in a meeting that flags can be flown in specific ways, but this was not one of them.

How can it be, in the United States of America, that "the association voted" to ban American flags not flown in the way they approve? The covenants say nothing about this, so all you property lawyers please spare me the usual contract rhetoric. Ms. Voytek didn't sign on for this, nor, I'll bet, did she specifically agree to surrender her basic rights of American citizenship to the whims of her neighbors. Not to put too fine a point on it, but where do people get off thinking they can do a thing like this? And what good is the court system, and the Constitution for that matter, if they can get away with it?

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