Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Daily News Online:Longview 'extreme fighter' nabs armed robber
Three cheers for self-help...and the Ultimate Fighting Championship:
Russell R. Rogers picked the wrong restaurant to rob Sunday afternoon, Vancouver police said. Professional "extreme fighter" Benji Radach of Longview and his training partner [UFC veteran Dennis Hallman] tackled Rogers, 64, after he tried to hold up Elmer's Restaurant with a gun, police officers and restaurant workers said...Radach, also known as "The Razor," felt he had a good chance of overpowering Rogers. The 25-year-old Longview resident is trained in Pankration, a combination of kickboxing, judo, wrestling and other martial arts --- in which the goal is to render the opponent helpless or senseless...As Rogers looked to his left and yelled that he had a gun, Radach moved behind him to his right. He grabbed Rogers with a wrist lock, relieving him of his pistol. Radach forced Roger's hands to his back and pushed him chest-first to the ground. Radach said he then knocked Rogers unconscious with a blow to the head. Radach said Hallman backed him up, making sure that Rogers had no other weapons as they manhandled him to the ground.

Way to go, guys! I especially like the part about "knocked Rogers unconscious with a blow to the head."

1 comment:

  1. Kicked him in the head while the 64-year old man was on the ground? Good thing he got rid of that toy pistol before he knocked him down and kicked him in the head! After all, it might have been a water pistol--and then what?
