Sunday, October 03, 2004

Centre Daily Times | 10/02/2004 | Binding covenants?
An opinion piece from State College, PA:

We live in Stonebridge, a covenanted community. According to the covenants signed by all homeowners, signs cannot be put up in front of houses.

We would like to put up political signs in our front lawns.

The president of the homeowners' association has warned us that putting political signs is against the covenants and is therefore illegal.

The president is backed up by the board of directors.

The idea that in the USA, a month before a national election, your neighbors can make you take down your political signs seems to me such an outrage that I can't understand people submitting to it. Seems like these folks are ready to rumble. More to the point, what about the directors who do these things? What sort of person makes other folks take down their campaign signs? I just can't imagine the thought process or the values that animate such a decision. I think they should be ashamed of themselves.

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