Friday, October 08, 2004

The Calaveras Enterprise: Radcliff lawsuit to follow Schwarzenegger veto of anti-foreclosure bill
This article rehashes the veto message, and the famous $120 foreclosure case involving the Radcliffs that inspired the bill, but if you scroll down you find that the Radcliffs are pursuing private justice:

The Radcliffs filed a lawsuit against Copper Cove Lake Tulloch Homeowners Association, the collection agency Coast Assessment Service of Garden Grove, and the man who bought their home at auction, Robert Vardanega of Oakland. Also included as defendants are Yvette Villanueva-Ezell, association president and Norman Bailey, association secretary. The suit alleges the association and Coast caused the Radcliffs "great and serious mental anguish and emotional and physical distress." The Radcliffs' symptoms include inability to sleep, a sense of being overwhelmed and severe nervousness, court documents said...An all-day mediation for the Radcliff's case is set for Oct. 26.

Thanks to Fred Pilot for spotting this article--I never would have found it, not being a regular reader of the Calaveras Enterprise.

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