Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Sierra Vista Herald: American Border Patrol told to move from neighborhood

Many thanks to Fred Pilot for sending along this truly fascinating story that has one form of privatization pitted against another. You see, this is not the U.S. Border Patrol. Nothing so simple. It seems that "The ABP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing border issues. It is not associated with the U.S. Border Patrol, but it does its own surveillance of the Mexican border and tracks down illegal immigrants, turning them over to the BP."

And with that intro, let's look at the story:

BISBEE - Glenn Spencer won't be using his home in the Pueblo del Sol Subdivision as headquarters of the American Border Patrol much longer.

Spencer's attorney, Michael Johns of Sierra Vista, told Cochise County Superior Court Judge Stephen Desens on Monday afternoon that Spencer will be vacating the premises he rents by the end of October.

Spencer and Johns were in court in response to an injuction filed on Aug. 24 by the Pueblo del Sol Homeowners Association against Spencer and REB Enterprises LLC, the owner of the house at 4814 Equestrian Ave. Roger E. Barnett is the managing member of REB Enterprises.

The association, represented by Sierra Vista attorney Joseph DeFrancesco, was granted a preliminary injuction - effective immediately - by Desens to preclude the defendants from conducting a business in the residential subdivision. Business activity are prohibited by the association's covenants, conditions and restrictions.

So what we have here is an HOA--a private government-- evicting a tenant who was running a business enterprise called the American Border Patrol--a private police force--from his rented unit. Seems the ABP doesn't mind being evicted because they have found a better spot from which to police the border. But the point is that things along the border have begun to resemble something from Neal Stephenson's "Snowcrash." Yowzah.

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