Sunday, July 11, 2004

Monterey County Herald | 07/06/2004 | Las Palmas couple fight homeowners group
Amid rolling, golden hills and curving, rock-walled roads bordered by freshly mown grass, life in a spacious, five-bedroom home in the upper reaches of the Las Palmas subdivision near Salinas would appear to be comfortable if not idyllic.

That's what attracted Angie and Loyde Inlow, a health consultant and doctor who bought their 3,700-square foot home about three years ago on a canyon hillside in the Prestancia Ranch section of Las Palmas. But the past few months have been anything but stress-free for the Inlows. They've butted heads with the development's homeowners association over planting a strip of fresh sod behind their fence and, since March, over plans to add a second, two-car garage and second-floor game room to their two-story home. "People on the board are very controlling. They believe what they say goes, period," Loyde Inlow said, sitting in the living room while his wife held their 6-month old daughter, Sierra. "Not everyone has been following the rules. It's very hypocritical." They tell stories of aerial photos being taken of the offending strip of sod, of keeping an eye on neighbors with binoculars, of rules being changed arbitrarily, of hard feelings among neighbors on the block overlooking the Salinas Valley. They've hired a lawyer...

Who hasn't?
But here we go again. The story continues...

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