Wednesday, May 26, 2004 > News > State -- Judge ousts two flocks of peafowl from Palos Verdes Estates
A Los Angeles judge said Palos Verdes Estates is illegally "keeping" peafowl by maintaining flocks of the free-roaming birds in two neighborhoods. Superior Court Judge Jane L. Johnson said in a six-page tentative decision made public Monday that the citywide homes association didn't give the city valid permission to keep the peacocks and peahens deemed a nuisance by many homeowners. The association wields unusual influence in the wealthy community, including powers over the color of homes. The board passed a resolution after the initial trial a year ago that gave the city written permission to "keep" the birds. In the original trial, Johnson held that proper permission had not been granted. But the resolution didn't constitute valid permission either, the judge said, because the association's own rules require that such decisions be made uniformly. In other words, the judge ruled, association members must be treated equally and one association member (the city) cannot be granted a right no other is accorded.

Must be nice for an HOA to have its own city.

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