Monday, May 24, 2004

Pasco: Pasco neighbors seeing yellow over dogs
This story not only shows the nuttiness of some HOAs but gives a historical lesson on pooper-scoopers and related doggy-doo trivia.
Vivian Bogul always picks up after her female dogs, a beagle mix and a Labrador mix that accompany her on morning walks through Autumn Oaks, a deed-restricted subdivision off County Line Road. It's the urine that's the problem."If you don't water it and dilute it, it kills the grass," said Ron Ruppe, a retired New York police officer who lives down the street. "If that happens, you're in violation of the deed restrictions because your grass is dead." The problem gets worse when other dogs sniff out the spot and decide to mark it, too, he said. That's why some neighbors are questioning whether public pet urination violates the deed restrictions in Autumn Oaks. Neighbor Tom Contino cites this passage in the community's covenants: "No noxious or offensive activity or nuisance shall be carried (out) on, in or about any lot, unit or common area." The homeowners association's attorney is reviewing the matter, and the board of directors could decide at its June 2 meeting whether that passage applies to Mrs. Bogul's dogs.

Things kind of go downhill from there...

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