Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - Foxlife - Madonna: Stay off My PropertyLawyers acting for the Material Girl argued on Wednesday that walkers should not be allowed to traipse across her $11 million country estate of Ashcombe House in Wiltshire, southern England...Madonna and her husband, film director Guy Ritchie (search), are disputing their obligations under a new law designed to give ramblers access to open land across Britain.

Britain has a "Planning Inspectorate" and a "Countryside Agency" that decide whether or not you need to allow strangers to perambulate on your land. There is also an organization called the "Ramblers' Association," with 140,000 members, who apparently make a hobby out of walking on other people's property. Given the size of Madonna's estate (1200 acres), the next issue should be whether she or the Ramblers' Association should pay for the porta-potties that will be needed.

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