Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Yahoo! News - Judges Declare War on Pet Pests
Two questions: 1) is the "ritzy development" an HOA? and 2) do the judges live in gated communties? Just asking:
"Irked by a profusion of pet excrement on the small lawn of the federal courthouse in downtown Austin, U.S. District Judges Sam Sparks and Lee Yeakel issued an order on Thursday: "Any person who authorizes or permits any animal to relieve itself on the grass or grounds of the United States Courthouse shall be subject to citation, fine, and/or arrest effective from this date... "Too many individuals had permitted their pets to relieve themselves on the grass and grounds," the order said. The courthouse neighbors a ritzy loft development, and the dog owners who live there are the apparent targets of the order. The courthouse has the only grass in the immediate area."

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