Friday, April 02, 2004 - Brawl breaks out in anger management assembly

"WOODLAWN, Md. (AP) — A brawl broke out during an anger management assembly at a suburban high school. Two people were arrested and 11 students were suspended after a shoving match escalated into a melee during Thursday's assembly. Authorities said a confrontation between a student's mother and a group of girls who had been bothering her daughter turned into a shouting match, and led to pushing and hitting, before the crowd of 750 students erupted into "chaos," said C. Anthony Thompson, principal of Woodlawn High School. The melee began as students on stage acted out peaceful ways to resolve conflict during the assembly..."
And here I was thinking that courses like this might be useful in HOAs. I was speaking with a newspaper reporter not long ago about this very idea. Back to the drawing board...

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