Thursday, April 22, 2004

'Rocketman' takes wing - SpecialsStrangeButTrue -
The ultimate privatization of flight is having your own rocket belt. They promised us this in the 1950s, remember? Well here it is, and it's too cool not to post. The photo is great. He has a costume and everything. All he needs is a ray gun. I want one of these getups.

"Rocketman Eric Scott shot 46 metres into the air in London and promptly claimed a world record. Scott, 41, from Dallas, Texas, donned his red and white jumpsuit and zoomed into the north London sky in his bid to achieve the highest human elevation using a Rocketbelt. His feat, which saw him reach the equivalent height of a 12-storey building, lasted just 26 seconds but allowed enough time for a couple of pirouettes."

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