Monday, April 05, 2004

Chicago Tribune: Ill wind blows in California over feng shui idea
Lawmaker ignores snickers, proposes new building codes to accommodate earth energies
By Michael Martinez
Tribune national correspondent
Published April 5, 2004

LOS ANGELES -- What troubled California needs is some good chi.

So says Democratic Assemblyman Leland Yee of San Francisco, the speaker pro tempore in the Legislature's lower chamber, who is sponsoring a resolution urging the state architect and local municipalities to revise their building rules and regulations to better allow for feng shui.

Yes, the usual California jokes already have begun, Yee acknowledged.
Feng shui, which means "wind" and "water," considers location, land, building shape, neighboring structures and history of use in establishing spaces that make people feel at ease with their surroundings. Room arrangement, color, furniture placement and landscaping also are design factors.

For example, entry into a home shouldn't have a straight view to the outside because the chi rushes right out of the space, experts said. In offices, desks should face toward a door, and workers can use rock gardens, little fountains and plants to evoke a natural environment, experts said.

Can you imagine some new feng shui CC&Rs? If you think banning solar panels is bad, imagine the association telling you which way you can point your desk.

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