Saturday, April 10, 2004

...not to put too fine a point on it, but...
Fred Pilot has a comment regarding this paragraph in the Wasserman piece linked below:
"Amid more than 260,000 private communities nationally and 36,000 in California, at least one third have steadily put off raising necessary assessments for fear of political conflict, and now need repairs and facelifts for which they significantly lack money, say those who monitor homeowner association finances."

But according to Fred:
"I don't think Wasserman has it exactly right here since many HOA boards of directors as we know aren't all that politically responsive to the concerns of their constituents. In addition, boards can put assessment increases to a vote of the owners -- and in fact are required by law to do so in California if the increase exceeds 20 percent. I think the reluctance to increase regular assessments or levy special assessments is frequently because the directors themselves don't want to pay them. (You can quote me on your blog if you want)"

But...but...but...I thought this was local democracy at its finest...the 21st century version of the New England town meeting...

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