Sunday, March 21, 2004

Another Case of Guilt by Association
More HOA violence, this time with a 78 year old woman as the victim. Here's a passage from the article by columnist Dana Parsons"

"When people sense that the person lording power over them is being unreasonable, the resentments and frustrations build. Sometimes, they explode with disastrous consequences. Homeowners association board members can satisfy themselves simply by saying that violence is the fault of the perpetrator. It is, to be sure. But if only for their own preservation, why not take a moment and ask why that violence sometimes comes looking for them."

That's a surprisingly unsympathetic take on a man allegedly thumping an elderly woman, I'd say. Sounds a bit like the old "She had it coming" philosophy on rape. I wonder how the victim feels, reading that in the Los Angeles Times. Similar sentiments are popping up in owner activist newsgroups, with some people calling her vulgar names. They don't know her, of course--they are just slandering her because she is an HOA director and that's enough.

So, do some people want an open season on BOD members?

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