Monday, January 08, 2018

Auburn Community Upset after HOA Tells Them to Leave Garage Doors Open | FOX40

Auburn Community Upset after HOA Tells Them to Leave Garage Doors Open | FOX40:

"AUBURN, Calif. — Residents in a community in California are being forced to open their garage doors during the day. KXTL reports the neighborhood’s homeowner’s association said residents need to keep their garage doors up from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The policy started after one homeowner was caught allowing people to live in his garage. Many residents say they’re afraid to leave their belongings out in the open, and they’re rather have their garages inspected. Residents who don’t follow the new law will have to pay a $200 fee."


OK, I thought I'd seen or heard it all, but this is a new one on me. Good grief.


IC_deLight said...

Yeah, I'd keep the doors closed because they are my doors. Just shows how absolutely ludicrous the claims that HOAs or restrictions "preserve value". You are more likely to be threatened with fines for leaving a garage door open most places. It isn't about value for the homeowners. It's about money for the vendors. How can one justify fining for closed doors while another fines for open doors - both under the pretext of "protecting value". It is SO OBVIOUS this legal morass does not offer value to the homeowner. OH and the press gets the HOA thing wrong again as usual: HOA "rules" are not laws.

Anonymous said...

> Residents in a community in California are being forced to open their garage doors during the day. KXTL reports the neighborhood’s homeowner’s association said residents need to keep their garage doors up from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

But the "open door policy" swings only one way. When reporters from KCRA 3 (Sacramento, CA) attempted to contact the on-site manager, the manager closed the office.

"Auburn Greens' on-site management closed its window as KCRA 3 pulled into the parking lot and subsequently posted a sign saying the office was closed. A phone call to the office was not returned." ( )

Anonymous said...

Often in stories about some H.O.A. rule dispute like this, homeowners are quoted as saying something like “I understand the need for ‘reasonable’ rules, but this is not reasonable”. For example, even homeowners who oppose this “open garage rule” are willing to let the H.O.A. corporation inspect the inside of their homes and assess fines:

For every home like Jason’s that began following the new rule, there were plenty of others who refused to, like Shally Ia.

“I have nothing to hide. I understand somebody had people living in the garage. I don’t. I am following the rules,” Ia said. “All I am asking is a reasonable way to get around this. If you want to do a monthly, bi-monthly inspection of my garage, I have nothing to hide. If I have something that's being stored in there and you don’t like it I’ll remove it.”

Residents say a $200 fine and an administrative hearing are the potential punishment for keeping the door down, but for some paying the fine it may be worth avoiding a burglary.

”Fine, let me give you the $200 fine right now," Ia said. "Give me a month so I can get my stuff out, and I might as well clear everything out and leave the garage door open permanently because there is no point of having a garage door then.”

(emphasis added)

This is just another sad example of abuse victims rationalizing the behavior of their abusers. Note that some homeowners are actually complying with this asinine directive from their communisty commissars. Americans have been successfully conditioned and cowed to believe that H.O.A. corporations should have the authority to regulate our domestic lives; we only quibble about the degree of control and "reasonableness" of the rules. It’s absolute insanity, yet we accept this as normal.

I wouldn't be surprised if some type of "compromise" is reached, allowing the H.O.A. corporation to install telescreens, er, "community security cameras" inside the garages to allow for monitoring of potential rules violations.